Academics | Nalapad Academy ...


The younger years play a crucial role in a child’s personality development as their foremost experiences form their perceptions of the outer world. Nalapad Nest is the foundation ground of our future achievers. In line with our motto of “Nurturing Hope”, the Nest thrives on strong partnership between the parent, the facilitator and the child. The Early Years Foundation Stage framework program at the Nest provides experiential learning to the young children focussing on their all-round development.

The safe, secure and multi sensorial preschool environment provides a ground for the children to build on their experiences and develop essential life skills like critical thinking, problem solving and social skills. At the Nest, we perceive each child as a unique individual with unique needs, unique learning styles and unique learning abilities. Our facilitators at the Nest create individual hands-on teaching strategies and enabling an environment that aids learning and development naturally.

Our curriculum is specially designed with 112 learning objectives, 26 subsets and 7 learning domains that help prepare our students for readiness. Keeping in mind the uniqueness of every child, we construct their knowledge and enhance their skills through Blooms Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligence learning and teaching methods. We focus on inculcating a sense of wonder and encourage their natural curiosity through discovery learning.

Our classroom structure is designed to facilitate innovative teaching learning methods such as project based learning , thematic and interactive approach of learning which revolve around core learning domains.

Primary School

Our program for this section is designed as contemporary and it is continuously evolving and preparing students to enter high school with confidence. Our students are taught under the International curriculum. Following a flipped classroom system, children are encouraged to complete their course work in school and review the upcoming lessons through audio, video and written exercises.

Their learning process includes group and individual projects. This helps in building qualities like – leadership, team bonding, timely performance and cross-training. Our classes involve audio-visual presentations, group discussions and debates that results in the construction of knowledge that encourages curiosity. Community service is also interwoven into our curriculum, ensuring that our students and facilitators participate in the development of the underprivileged and the needy both in the city and in the rural areas.

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