Teaching and Learning Approaches at Nalapad Academy.
At Nalapad Academy, it’s all about nurturing hope. The students are our hope, the very hope for the future of building a stronger nation with responsible and contributing citizens. Very few institutions really look at providing education in its real sense, in the present world. Most institutions are a part of the race, when it is integral to be proved the best. We want to be the best through personalised learning, individualised mentor assisted time and integration of technology into our classrooms.
Mentor Assisted Assignment Time
The key to impactful education is to evolve with the needs of the students. Using innovative teaching practices help the students to learn effectively. One unique key practice followed at Nalapad Academy is the Mentor Assisted Assignment Time. Facilitators spend time with their students to mentor them. This system helps the facilitators to understand the student’s strengths, challenges and interests. This understanding is what helps the facilitators to recognise and accommodate these learning preferences. The form tutor mentors their form class for 3 years, where they develop a close bond with each child in their class.
Use of technology
Nalapad Academy is an Apple-smart school and we are very proud of the same. We have always encouraged the optimal and right use of technology among students to prepare them for the highly tech-run future. Audio and visual components are used in our Apple-smart classrooms to support learning. Students are taught research skills for various subjects and they are also made aware of how to use technology for doing research. They are taught how to make presentations on digital platforms. They are asked to make digital projects so that they can familiarise themselves with tech and also build their skills. In their robotics class, they learn coding and programming while working with lego models. Using tech with a highly futuristic goal is what we practice realtime.
Since we accept and celebrate the uniqueness in each child, we realise that each child learns differently. Some learn visually, some thrive on theory and some need to practice it real time to grasp a concept. We teach the same concept in different ways to accommodate all learning styles and learning paces we see in each class. This includes support for children who might need it, while the achievers work on Higher Order Questions. We give differentiated assessments to assess the learning, based on which future lessons are planned. Giving differentiated instructions are very important to ensure that effective learning happens at an individual level.
Life skills
Theory is abundant everywhere. Theory imparts knowledge but without understanding the application in practical life, theory will not be useful. Practical knowledge from our environment and our responses and actions to situations we face are what real life is all about. If you learn endlessly but cannot apply your knowledge to solve your life’s problems, then what use is that learning?
At Nalapad Academy, the well-being of every child is our priority. By teaching children to express themselves freely; practising gratitude and discipline; being responsible, mindful and empathetic; having a helpful and positive attitude; sensitising children to all races, religions, different abilities, genders and age groups, we are teaching them to become better people in the future. By segregating their food waste in school, children are contributing to building a sustainable planet. By saying thank you and appreciating all we have, they practice gratitude. They are working towards being more responsible citizens. It’s all about walking the talk at Nalapad Academy.
Sports (to learn life skills)
We, at Nalapad Academy, believe that sports are symbolic to life. Life requires teamwork, discipline, respect, compassion and character. Sports can develop these skills both on the playing field and in their life. Some of these skills include self-discipline, mental toughness, team building, dedication and patience.
Focus on health and nutrition
An active body leads to an active mind and vice versa. To keep this circle intact we ensure that children have physical activities on a daily basis to stay active. The various activities include swimming, dance, yoga and soccer. To keep their bodies healthy, our nutritionist plans nourishing meals to ensure that children get their prescribed sources of nutrition. They have food low on salt and spices but very pleasant to the taste buds which has them coming for multiple servings. We also encourage discussions on nutrition in our science classes so that the students understand why they need different components on their plate. At Nalapad Academy, we have a well-equipped infirmary managed by our school nurse. Our teachers are trained in CPR and first aid, which fosters a safe space for our children.
Integrated co-curriculum
Co-curricular activities are an important part in forming a child’s personality and character. Recognizing the importance of the same, we at Nalapad Academy, have dedicated expansive areas for recognizing and mentoring our students in the areas of Art and Craft, Dance and Music, Performing Arts and Sports.
Experiential learning
Students have hands-on experience through various learning engagements planned which ensure critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and other relevant life skills essential to lead a successful life in the future
Concept-based learning
Concept based learning is a part of the curriculum which helps the children to analyse and synthesise information for a deeper understanding of big ideas.
Design Thinking
At Nalapad Academy, elements are established for continuous innovation and improvements through concept based and differentiated learning, which is included in all aspects such as school culture, team, capacity, community, finance, and measurement. The facilitators implement ‘design thinking process’ into classroom lessons and projects to help students generate and innovate their ideas.
The curriculum focuses on the 4C’s of education that is Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication and Creative Thinking. All the learning engagements are designed to help the students to adapt and solve problems after conducting research and analysing what they discovered. We encourage students to find solutions to simple real life issues they see around them based on the design thinking principles shared with them in an age-appropriate manner. This in turn helps the children of today by empowering them in the age of artificial intelligence, virtual learning and machine learning, to take up a leadership role in contributing towards solving problems they see in their immediate neighbourhood.