Foundation Stage 2 | International Primary Curriculum ...


At Nalapad Academy, our Foundation Stage 2 program prepares students for a smooth transition into primary education. We focus on building a strong academic foundation while nurturing their social and emotional development. Our engaging curriculum incorporates a range of subjects and activities that encourage independent thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Through a combination of guided learning, interactive projects, and individualized attention, we ensure that each child reaches their full potential.

  • Building a strong academic foundation for a smooth transition to primary education.
  • Emphasis on core subjects and subjects to further develop knowledge and skills.
  • Guided learning and interactive projects to foster independent thinking.
  • Individualized attention and support to meet each child’s learning needs.
  • Focus on social and emotional development alongside academic growth.
  • Preparation for primary education through structured learning experiences.

At Nalapad Academy, we prioritize holistic growth and provide a safe, caring, and supportive environment for your child’s educational journey. Our experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and comprehensive curriculum empower young learners to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Join us at Nalapad Academy, where every child’s future is nurtured with care and dedication.

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