How to Empower kids to develop a Positive Attitude in Childhood

The early years of growth in a child’s life are the best time to instill good habits and a positive attitude. Children are like clay; they can be molded and shaped in a very beautiful way easily by providing the right kind of atmosphere and teaching. They are simple by heart. The teachers at Nalapad Academy nurture this innocence and try to shape them positively to be their best version.
Here are some of the tips followed by our specially trained teachers.
1. Giving a good head start.
Every day the teachers start the class with a positive pep talk followed by a small anecdote. The kids get interested in starting their day and are engrossed in the story teaching them values, positivity, and self-love.
2. Activities to appreciate
The teachers at Nalapad Academy encourage the children to talk about the things they are grateful for. Initially the children might hesitate but after a slight push all the children join to name the things that they are happy to have. Insignificant it might seem to others but it is a good way to make them appreciate and be thankful for each and every blessings.
The teachers at Nalapad Academy encourage the children to talk about what they are grateful for. Initially, the children might hesitate, but after a slight push, all the children join in naming the things they are happy to have. It might seem insignificant to others, but it is an excellent way to make them appreciate and be thankful for every blessing.
3. Finding the best quality in others
Another fun game that children play is that they have to name the quality that they admire in their friends, parents, relatives, or teachers. This activity makes them see the best in others and appreciate the good.
4. Setting up an example
Every day is not perfect, but how a teacher tackles the day sets an example to all the peering, inquisitive eyes. Thus, if the AC is not working, instead of cribbing and complaining, she might say, “Okay, Class! What a perfect opportunity to go on a nature walk,” and the kids start seeing opportunity in times of difficulty.
5. Words of encouragement
The teachers here choose the words meticulously to converse with the children. Hence ” A job well done” becomes, “I appreciate the effort you have put in this work,” or if a child helps a classmate, instead of just saying “Thank You,” the teacher applauds and says something like, “The kindness of your heart is visible in your actions and face. “Immediately the child glows with enthusiasm and does their best to help others.
We all know the benefits of a positive attitude. It improves the immune system, provides a cheerful disposition, improves the ability to deal with anxiety, and provides strength and hope to face challenges. Thus, it is best to give the kids a happy environment for their wholesome growth.